Skills and Experience

I am highly collaborative and have experience working with various stakeholders to ensure that user needs and goals are met with our products. I am constantly learning. I regularly take courses with the Interaction Design Foundation and with Codecademy to ensure that I am adding solutions of value to users and stakeholders.


  • Explorative / Generative research

  • Applied psychology methodologies

  • Requirements gathering

  • Evaluative research

  • Moderated usability testing

  • Contextual inquiries

  • Diary studies

  • Accessibility testing

  • Information architecture

  • A/B testing

  • Empathy mapping

  • Affinity diagramming

  • Data analysis


  • Participant recruitment

  • Requirements gathering

  • UX research practice building


  • OptimalWorkshop, Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey

  • Miro and Mural

  • Adobe Creative Suite Applications

  • Google Suite

  • Microsoft Suite

  • Web analytic tool