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Save the Seals!

Nonprofit Website Redesign

The Marine Mammal Center protects marine mammal and ocean life across the West Coast. During our stakeholder interviews and preliminary user testing, we found that it was difficult to access important links like donations, volunteering, and adopt-a-seal. We created a new sitemap so that the key features were more easily identifiable.

October 2020

#StakeholderInterviews #UserFlow #UserPersonas #Prototyping #Wireframing

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Bridging the gap in covid-19 communications

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, people became frustrated with the lack of information about vaccinations. As information regarding COVID-19 circulates, people are unsure of who and what to believe. People are cooped up and more eager than ever to receive a viable solution for ending the pandemic. The MedKit app is a vital communication platform for coronavirus related news and events. This app makes it easy for users to share information with loved ones, as well as access community and mental health resources.

January 2021

#UserResearch #Prototyping #Collaboration


Clubhouse Case Study

Social App | Evaluative Research

Clubhouse is an audio-based social app with 10 million users that connects people via chat rooms on a variety of topics. From social rooms to networking clubs, users meet, talk, and share ideas with others around the world.

Scope: Recent conversations with users has indicated dissatisfaction and frustration with the social app’s search function and new room features. This research seeks to better understand users’ goals and frustrations with the social app and potential areas of improvement for increased user satisfaction.

Coming soon (April 2022)